
On any trip beyond one’s own country and culture observations are always made, so here are a few of my own. In Ireland they do say “grand,” and their accents are softer. Scotland has “aye” and a lot of rolling r’s. It’s stronger, and at times harder to understand, but personally I prefer it. Both … More Observations


When I first walked onto the Culloden battlefield it was morning and the mists hung heavy over the long grass. You couldn’t see far over the landscape, and the air was damp yet, as was the ground.  Everything was still. Beyond human noise, there was no sound. In a country where the birds are constantly … More Culloden

Reindeer Games

I love animals. They are a passion of mine and I will always jump at the opportunity to spend time with them, sometimes even over people, haha. So of course I wanted to go hand feed a herd of reindeer. I’ve never really thought much about reindeer beyond their involvement in Christmas, but I am … More Reindeer Games

Something else

Ireland was a wonder. It was like a soothing wash of rain, or the gentle trickling of a stream. Soft, captivating, and beautiful. But Scotland is something else entirely. Its beauty is bold, gripping, startling at times, and always wonderous. Its facets have no end, its mysteries eternal, and its show stopping wonder is, well…show-stopping. … More Something else

What an end

For all traveler’s everywhere, you may already know this but let me warn you now, beware of all pre-packaged sandwiches! Why do I say this? Because food poisoning, especially when you are in another country, sucks and I hope to never have to go through that again, because let me tell you, it sure puts … More What an end

A dream

In journalism they tell you to start with the lead, the most important information first, since some people won’t read until the end of a story.  So in the interest of using some of my education, I went to the Cliffs of Moher today. How does one even begin to speak of such sights? I … More A dream

Castle day

Unfortunately uploading issues continue so no pictures at present. But today was a good day.  Still overcast, but it made it seem a little more like home. Galway was my home base, and it’s a nice town on the edge of the Atlantic ocean. But being bound west, I didn’t linger long. I visited Athenry, … More Castle day